Teen Hub Classes

Teen Tuesdays

Full Year

9:30-10:20: Earth & Space Science w/Lab (Krista) - $125/semester  FULL

10:30-11:20: World History (Krista) - $50/quarter - 4 quarters=full year credit

  1. world religions FULL
  2. art & architecture
  3. wars & warfare
  4. medicine throughout time

11:30-12:20: Multimedia Journalism (Krista) - $100/sem.

•newsletter •yearbook  •video  •podcasts FULL

Fall Quarter 1

1:30-2:20:  Ground Zero Literature and History Study (Crystal) - $50

2:30-3:20: Zombie Survival Guide (Jody) - $50 FULL

Click Here To Register For Teen Classes Pay Using PayPal
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